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These customers are increasingly interested in home control and potentially security but not in professional monitoring fees.

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Outstanding company and outstanding service.

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It’s important to note that while some systems have clear advantages over others, choosing the best home security system ultimately depends on your individual needs and circumstances.

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Grid is crowded with tired, old fill / crosswordese.

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I'mean no particular fan of Bulldog football, but hearing Munson imp. ore his guys to "hunker down you Dawgs, hunker it down one time" can bring a smile to even this snooty North Easterner. I agree with everyone who called this charming. I thought it was quite a delightful Tuesday, and there were actually sections that gave me some trouble. If I'd been able to think of MAMMA MIA right off the bat, that would have helped. I haven't read any of the comments in detail yet, so maybe one or more people have already said this. But the innocence of these old timey expressions makes crystal clear how much has been lost in the coarsening of our culture over the years. We're a more knowing and sophisticated society, but I'm not at all sure that we're a better one. Anyway, a colorful and very different sort of puzzle. @mathgent I hope the instructions you received earlier today enable you to put your name in blue. You deserve to be in blue.

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5:Home security systems are hard and expensive to install.

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